

Marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman. The covenant nature of marriage provides strong foundation and secure framework for spouses’ commitment to each other. Covenant defines the mutual responsibilities of husband and wife towards nurturing and protecting their marriage. The couple is to work hard to reach the level of relationship which protects the marriage from internal and external negative forces. The nature of these forces may be defined as a product of social marital crisis and human egocentric behaviour. Due to the fact that marriage is constantly under the impact of these forces it is inevitable that every couple faces the dynamics of marriage crises. Dealing with marriage crises is always difficult and the solutions do not come easy. Hence the goal of this website is to expose the nature of marriage crises and propose ways which will lead towards solution.


Marriage crises are times of painful and dramatic experience which require resourceful and wise management and work towards a solution and recovery. The matters to consider are many and the intensity of the situation obstructs any consistent and substantial effort for finding solutions and way forward. The need of personalised answers which reflect the individual situation is fundamental to the pursued solution. External help from an independent point of view in a form of talking therapy may appear to be essential.

Aspects of the support nature:

  • Empathetic: empathising with the personal situation and considering the personal view

  • Professional: a qualified and accredited source of the support

  • Counselling: talking therapy through a qualified and accredited counsellor

  • Coaching: talking support to achieve personal goals relevant to the situation

  • Impartial: unbiased support unaffected by personal feelings

  • Integrative: using various counselling modalities to address relevant needs

  • Scientific: taking in consideration the relevant scholarship

  • Spiritual: taking in consideration spiritual perspectives if desired

  • Nonreligious: unrestricted by religious denominations and dogmatics

  • Nonspiritual: not inclusive of spiritual perspective if desirable

  • Christian: Biblically grounded support from Christian perspective if desirable

  • Ecumenical: relevant for the main Christian traditions if desirable

See services for support