2018 Master in Professional Studies – Health (MProf). Psychological, psychotherapeutic and counselling dynamics in exploring treatment development for drug and alcohol support services. Middlesex University, London.
2012 Master of Science in Addiction Psychology and Counselling (MSc) /Merit/, London South Bank University, London, England
2006 Doctor of Science (DSc) (Theology) /Summa Cum Laude/, University of Ljubljana, Catholic Faculty of Theology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2003 Post-Graduate Research in New Testament Studies, University of Oxford, Faculty of Theology, Oxford Theological Exchange Program, Oxford, England
2001 Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MA) /Distinction/, University of Leeds& Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Leeds & Oxford, England
1999 Master of Theology (MTh) /Summa Cum Laude/, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia
1997 Bachelor of Theology (BTh) /Summa Cum Laude/, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia
1996 Post Diploma Term Scholarship, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, Belgium
1995 Three Year Diploma in Bible and Theology, Sofia Bible Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 Neuro Linguistic Programming and Life Coaching. Auspicium Ltd, David Key. Accredited by the Irish Guild for NLP, Hypnotherapy and 3 principles Practitioners and Trainers is an accreditation professional body which is accredited and certified by the International Coach Register (ICR) as a certified and accredited training provider.
2019 TQUK Level 3 Award in Education and Training (RQF). Richmond Hillcroft Adult Community College. Awarded: 13/02/19
2018 SDS Accreditation in Clinical Supervision Level 2 (Assessed Academic Competence). SDS Seminars Ltd. This course is a Module of the BPS Approved Certificates in Resource Based Therapies and Motivational Interviewing. 28-29/08/18.
2017 Essential Supervision Skills. Certificate in Clinical Supervision approved by the BPS (British Psychological Society), the only UK psychology and psychotherapy body established by Royal Charter and one of the primary national leads in determining national recommendation on clinical supervision across a range of groups. 7th and 8th of June, 2017.
2017 The Foundation for Infant Loss Accredited Provider Training Course. FEDANT Accredited Course. ACA Recognized Professional Development. 1 October 2017.2014 Pearson Edexcel Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management (QCF). Oaklands College. Awarded: May 2014
2014 National Counsellor Accreditation Certificate (NCAC). The Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners (FDAP) and the Substance Misuse Management Good Practice (SMMGP). Accredited on 11/11/2014.
Attachment in the Early Years.
Surviving Infidelity.
Moving Beyond the Imposter Syndrome Phenomenon.
Alcohol and Neurobiology and Alcohol-related Brain Damage
COVID-19-Trauma, Complex Grief and How We Heal.
Yoga and Mindfulness for Recovery.
Spot the Signs, and Save a Life Suicide Awareness Training.
Behavioural addictions (pornography): What do we know?
Player-Centred Coaching.
Sexual addiction and compulsivity. what are the issues?
Understanding depression and low mood in young people.
Coaching in the Knowledge Era.
Leadership Coaching through Turbulent Times: Playing with eFIRE.
Novel Psychoactive Substances: sharing prison and community experiences and good practice.
Working with Behavioural Addiction (Gambling).
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance.
The Science of Nutrition.
Doctoral Student Development: Learning, Teaching and Assessment.
Nutrition and Wellbeing.
Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT.
Psychologically Informed Environments.
Trauma Informed Care (Introduction to complex trauma & trauma informed care).
Mental Health Legislation Interactive.
Leading a Workplace Coaching Strategy (based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy).
Listening Skills and Motivational Interviewing.
2024 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Divorced or Remarried and Christian: Serial Monogamy and the Quest for Holiness. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2024.
2022 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Conscience Therapy: Unveiling the Power of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2022.
2019 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Conscience in Recovery from Drug Addiction: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Spiritual Conscientious Transformation for the Formulation of Conscience Therapy. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2019.
2017 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Defining the New Testament Logia on Divorce and Remarriage in a Pluralistic Context. Kindle Edition. 6th August 2017.
2017 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Eschatology of Ephesians. Theologia Evangelica Biblica. Vol. 2. Kindle Edition. 6th August 2017.
2013 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Conscience in Recovery from Alcohol Addiction: Exploring the Role of Spirituality in Conscientious Transformation. Foreword by Geoffrey M. Stephenson. (378 pages). Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, 2013.
2009 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Defining the New Testament Logia on Divorce and Remarriage in a Pluralistic Context. (414 pages). Eugene, Oregon: PickwickPublications, 2009.
2007 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Understanding the New Testament Teaching on Divorce and Remarriage: Exegetical, Theological, Dogmatical, and Practical Study of the New Testament Divorce and Remarriage Passages. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2007.
2005 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. The Rise of Hierarchical Leadership: Historical and Theological Survey of the Formation and Development of the Hierarchical Leadership in the New Testament and Early Church. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2005.
2005 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Origins and Development of the Two Aeons Concept. North Charleston, SC: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). 2005.
2004 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Priručnik za istraživanje i pisanje: Vodičza izvođenje zadataka čitanja i pisanja studenata dodiplomskih i postdiplomskih nivoa. (233 pages). Osijek: Evanđeoski Teološki Fakultet, 2004.
2001 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. Manual for Research and Writing: A Guide for the Performance of Reading and Writing Assignments for the Students of Undergraduate and Graduate Levels. (239 pages). Osijek: Izvori, 2001.
Selection of chapters in edited books:
2022 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “Addiction and Recovery.” In Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary. Edited by Corneliu Constantineanu. Langham Global Library, an imprint of Langham Publishing. February, 2023.
2022 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage.” In Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary. Edited by Corneliu Constantineanu. Langham Global Library, an imprint of Langham Publishing. February, 2023.
2012 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “Paul for Today: A Re-formed Life: In Christ, of One Spirit and Always Thankful.” In Light for Our Path 2013. Edited by Kate Hughes. 213-219. Birmingham: International Bible Reading Association, 2012.
2011 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “1 Corinthians: The Wisdom of God.” In Light for Our Path 2012. Edited by Kate Hughes. 101-107. Birmingham: International Bible Reading Association, 2011.
Selection of articles:
2022 Zhekov, Yordan K. From Vice to Virtue in Marital Relationships. Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology – OAJAP. 15th June 2022. Retrieved from https://irispublishers.com/oajap/fulltext/from-vice-to-virtue-in-marital-relationships.ID.000621.php
2017 Zhekov, Yordan K. To stress or to rest? Counselling Directory 19th December 2017. Retrieved from http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellor-articles/to-stress-or-to-rest
2015 Zhekov, Yordan K. “Conscientious Recovery: Towards Conscience Therapy for Addiction.” Intervene 155, 2015, 38-39.
2015 Zhekov, Yordan. Book review of “Creatures of a Day” by Irvin D. Yalom. Intervene 154, 2015, 63.
2015 Zhekov, Yordan K. "The role of spirituality in defining the importance of character strengths and virtues for individual’s wellbeing and recovery from addiction." Plērōma XVII/2 (2015): 59-79.
2014 Zhekov, Yordan. Book review of “Treating Substance Abuse – Theory and Technique” edited by Scott T. Walters and Fredrick Rotgers. Intervene 149, April/May 2014, 68.
2013 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “Conscience Empowerment as a Solution for Addiction Related Attentional Bias and Automaticity.” Plērōma XV/1 (2013): 187-203.
2013 Zhekov, Yordan. Book review of “Cognitive Therapy for Addictions” by Amy Wenzel, Bruce Liese, Aaron Beck, Dara Fiedman-Wheeler. Addiction Today 24, March/April 2013, 37.
2012 Zhekov, Yordan. Book review of “Group Work in Addictions” edited by Robert Hill and Jennifer Harris. Addiction Today 23, July/August 2012, 36.
2011 Zhekov, Yordan. Book review of “Double Trouble in Recovery” by Howard Vogel. Addiction Today 21, March/April 2011, 36.
2010 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. “The Eschatology of Ephesians.” Plērōma XII/2 (December, 2010): 211-230.
2010 Zhekov, Yordan Kalev. and Constantineanu, Corneliu. “‘The Presence of the Future:’ The Eschatological Framework of the New Testament.” Plērōma XII/2 (December, 2010): 15-47.
Present: Psychologist, psychotherapist, counsellor, supervisor, life-coach, academic trainer. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/counselling/yordan-k-zhekov-watford-eng/463741
2018-2019: Counselling Tutor at Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College (RHACC), Parkshot, London TW9 2RE, England, https://www.rhacc.ac.uk/
2017-2019: Volunteer Counsellor at Signpost Watford. Charity which provides counselling, coaching and other support to young people age 11-25 and living in South and West Hertfordshire, England.
2012-2017: Volunteer counsellor at Hertfordshire Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services, Spectrum. Change, Grow, Live (CGL) – formerly CRI. 18 Station Road, Watford, WD17 1JU, England, http://www.changegrowlive.org
2011-2012: Volunteer counsellor at Turning Point. Hertsreach Watford. 20 Upton Road, Herts. WD18 0JP, England, www.turning-point.co.uk, www.hertsmh-turning-point
2007-2012: Lecturer and an Independent Teaching Consultant (ITC – hourly based position) at South London Christian College, 72a Mayeswood Road, Grove Park, London SE12 9RP, England, www.christiancollege.org.uk
2005-2016: Manager of services for homeless, assistant manager, housing management supervisor, project worker, night worker at Watford New Hope Trust, 67 Queens Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 2QN, England, www.newhope.org.uk
2003-2005: Associate Academic Dean and Lecturer at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia, www.evtos.hr
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Psychology, Psychotherapy, Counselling, Life-Coaching, Addiction, Relationships, Conscience, Spirituality, Morality, Leadership, Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Biblical Studies, New Testament, Hermeneutics, Eschatology, Christian Perspective on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, Christian Spirituality, Christian Leadership.